Concert d' Amour
Les acrobaties musicales d’un couple en désaccord.

Adapted in English
“The most interesting things are often the craziest" F. Fellini
It is a concert-show, full of gags, aerial acrobatics, musical juggling and sound prowess.
Nando and Maila are a couple of musicians in “disagreement”.
Both made a bet: become musicians of the impossible by transforming a self-supporting structure where trapeze and aerial fabrics are hung, in an unpredictable and surprising orchestra.
The posts of the structure become in turn double bass, cello, harp, tubular bells and drums, instruments which intermingle with classical instruments like the trumpet, the tuba,
the accordion, the violin, the flutes, the cymbals and the electric guitar.
Nando is a musician capable of flexibly performing the virtuosos of Vincenzo Monti's Czárdás on the violin, but sometimes, upset by teenage madness, he is possessed by the myths of his past. This is how he can start playing the electric guitar like a rockstar or take on the voice of Donald Duck after a crazy piece of contemporary music.
Maila is an actress-musician. She too is possessed by emblematic figures from her past. We thus see her win the trapeze in the clothes of the wonderful Angelique Marquise des anges, in an anachronistic duel with d'Artagnan or such Eve (the fiancée of Adamo) in a singular interpretation of the film "Paradise". The meeting of this duo-couple on stage, their differences and their contrasts give birth to a sparkling spectacle to the delight of the audience.
Duration of the performance: 60 ’
The company is composed of three people: two actors plus a technician.
The company has an autonomous structure that requires an ideal stage space of 8x8 m. and a minimum height of 5.15 m. (for smaller dimensions contact the company)